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Overview of the Noise Generator The Noise Generator stands as one of the fundamental tools within Map Generator's arsenal. Its primary function is to generate a fractal noise map that serves as a foundational element for a variety of map creation algorithms.

Use Cases:

  1. Initial Terrain Height: The Noise Generator can be employed to craft the initial terrain height, setting the foundation for the landscape.

  2. Adding Detail: It can enhance the detail on low-resolution height maps originating from Import or Simple Form generators, lending depth and intricacy.

  3. Masking: This versatile generator can also be utilized as a mask to define different areas, such as biomes. In this scenario, the Noise node often pairs with Contrast and Blend nodes to create distinct regions.

Inputs: The Noise Generator operates as an initial generator and does not require any inputs from other nodes.

Output: It yields a single output—a noise map ranging from 0 to 1, which serves as the basis for further map manipulations.


  1. Type:

    1. Unity: Utilizes noise created using the standard Unity Mathf.PerlinNoise function, primarily for debugging purposes.

    2. Linear: Suitable for larger fractals, this type linearly interpolates values between random values. When detail fractals are disabled, it may exhibit a "flat" appearance, resembling planes. It is the fastest algorithm and recommended for various masking applications.

    3. Perlin or Bilinear: Represents an advanced large fractal interpolation that considers additional random values.

    4. Simplex: Applies Perlin filtration but employs a triangular (hexagonal) noise point grid rather than square ones. This choice results in a slightly smaller visual pattern, necessitating adjustment of the "Size" parameter. It is the slowest noise type but is well-suited for heightmap creation due to its unique characteristics.

The Noise Generator is a versatile tool that plays a crucial role in shaping and defining various aspects of the generated maps within Map Generator.